Project Name

Custom-made Aluminium Windows & Doors

We have just completed our Project under contract to Nicholson Constructions at Altona Police Station with our range of IWS custom-made aluminium windows and doors.

Featuring AWS Commercial Thermalheart 806 & 826 Series framing which is an innovative thermally broken aluminium CentreGlaze framing system incorporating ThermalHEART technology being ideal for frames where minimising heat or cold transfer. To enable thermal performance to be achieved a Thermal Break is incorporated which separates the inside and outside elements of the framing – providing an insulator to minimise the transfer of heat or cold between elements.

AWS Commercial Framing Systems Series 400 and 624 were also incorporated into the build as per specifications.

Various applications of glass were supplied and installed by IWS –
Clear VLam Hush – a laminated Grade A safety glass which is also of high durability.
24mm and 30mm IGU EVantage – more commonly known as double-glazing. It consists of two or more glass window panes separated by a vacuum or gas-filled space to assist with the reduction of heat transfer.
Observa glass – this is laminated mirror with one-way vision when required for discreet monitoring by observers.

LocationAltonaClientAltona Police Station
StatusCompletedCompletion Date2019